Things I Can't Do for You

I can't...
Sit in God's Word and build a relationship with Him, for you.
Pray, having a personal conversation with the Lord, for you.
Worship Him and let Him know my personal gratitude and love, for you.
Serve Him, making myself available to His work, for you.
I can do these things personally, but I cannot be a substitute for your own personal experience.
I can't be a proxy for you in this.
I have used the analogy before - I can tell you the stories about the fish I caught and you will quickly forget those stories, or I could tell you to go fishing and you will have your own unforgettable stories to tell.
So go fishing in His Word, in prayer, in worship, in serving.
I want to avoid creating an atmosphere where I spoon-feed and coddle you. I expect us to grow and mature. I have taught you to go to Him. I don't stand in the way. I expect you to be in His Word, to be praying, to worship Him actively, to find creative ways to serve Him and His body.
Not just in the moment of this crisis, but continuing all the more after this passes (yes, it will pass).
Your time with Him will be so much richer and more fruitful.
"But those who WAIT on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint."
|Isaiah 40:31 NKJV|
The word "WAIT" here in this verse means to bind together. It means that you knit your heart to His. Do that by personally being in His Word, in prayer, in worship, in serving. I can't do that for you. I don't want to pretend, imply, or teach you that I can.
If you expect to experience the rich things of faith, but you never personally go to Him - you're crazy. It would be like going to a grand buffet, never grabbing a plate, never getting in line, just sitting in your seat and complaining how this buffet is terrible.
Now, I am not saying I want to disappear. I am saying I want to point you to Jesus.
Listen, I don't have answers but I know who does - Jesus.
Can we do this together? Run to Jesus. Dig deep into His Word. Invite Him to open it up to you, personally. Bring Him your heart and your cares. Open your heart to Him, personally. Point people to Jesus.
In this season do these things, and as this season moves on to the next, be entrenched in the practice of pursuing Him.
Don't quit!
I can't do that for you, but we can do this together!
(Even in a time of quarantine.)
Sit in God's Word and build a relationship with Him, for you.
Pray, having a personal conversation with the Lord, for you.
Worship Him and let Him know my personal gratitude and love, for you.
Serve Him, making myself available to His work, for you.
I can do these things personally, but I cannot be a substitute for your own personal experience.
I can't be a proxy for you in this.
I have used the analogy before - I can tell you the stories about the fish I caught and you will quickly forget those stories, or I could tell you to go fishing and you will have your own unforgettable stories to tell.
So go fishing in His Word, in prayer, in worship, in serving.
I want to avoid creating an atmosphere where I spoon-feed and coddle you. I expect us to grow and mature. I have taught you to go to Him. I don't stand in the way. I expect you to be in His Word, to be praying, to worship Him actively, to find creative ways to serve Him and His body.
Not just in the moment of this crisis, but continuing all the more after this passes (yes, it will pass).
Your time with Him will be so much richer and more fruitful.
"But those who WAIT on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint."
|Isaiah 40:31 NKJV|
The word "WAIT" here in this verse means to bind together. It means that you knit your heart to His. Do that by personally being in His Word, in prayer, in worship, in serving. I can't do that for you. I don't want to pretend, imply, or teach you that I can.
If you expect to experience the rich things of faith, but you never personally go to Him - you're crazy. It would be like going to a grand buffet, never grabbing a plate, never getting in line, just sitting in your seat and complaining how this buffet is terrible.
Now, I am not saying I want to disappear. I am saying I want to point you to Jesus.
Listen, I don't have answers but I know who does - Jesus.
Can we do this together? Run to Jesus. Dig deep into His Word. Invite Him to open it up to you, personally. Bring Him your heart and your cares. Open your heart to Him, personally. Point people to Jesus.
In this season do these things, and as this season moves on to the next, be entrenched in the practice of pursuing Him.
Don't quit!
I can't do that for you, but we can do this together!
(Even in a time of quarantine.)